
João Brito and Bruna Ribeiro de Sousa participate in the online course "Money Laundering: the essentials" organized by Vida Económica and the entity Legal Training for Business and Companies

oão Brito and Bruna Ribeiro de Sousa teach several modules of the online course "Money Laundering: the essential", organized by Vida Económica in partnership with the entity Legal Training for Business and Companies.

The course, which will take place on 28th, 29th and 30th April, will be attended by João Brito teaching the modules "Money Laundering" and "Tax Fraud, Corruption, Terrorist Financing and Others" and the presence of Bruna Ribeiro de Sousa, in charge of the modules entitled "Rules and limits to be known" and "Why KYC?

The course is subject to prior registration and consequent payment.

See the annex for more information.