23.04.2021 Economia & Mercado Moçambique

Is 2021 the take-off of competition enforcement in Mozambique?

Fabrícia de Almeida Henriques, Managing Partner of HRA Advogados, and Pedro de Gouveia e Melo, Partner at Morais Leitão, are the authors of the article entitled "2021, the start of competition advocacy in Mozambique?" published in the Mozambican magazine "Economia & Mercado".

For the authors, "with the entry into operation of the CRA, it is therefore essential to urgently change the regime of the notification fee to figures corresponding to the actual costs incurred by the CRA in the analysis of operations. It is also important that in any case these do not deviate from the notification fees charged in jurisdictions which are closest to Mozambique from an economic or legal perspective, such as South Africa or Portugal".

Click here to read the article.