
4th Edition of Prison Insights Conference | "Please, mind the Gap!"

On May 11th, at the Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, the fourth edition of Prison Insights will take place. It is promoted by RESHAPE and Instituto Miguel Galvão Teles (IMGT).

The conference, which seeks to bring together national and international speakers in a moment of networking and sharing of innovative solutions on issues related to the prison system in Portugal and worldwide, draws attention to the need to shorten the "them" and the "us" - "Please, mind the Gap!".

Rui Patrício, as coordinator of IMGT, João Gouveia (president of RESHAPE), Guilherme d’ Oliveira Martins (Minister of Justice) in the will be responsible for the opening session.

RESHAPE was created in 2015 with the aim of ensuring the dignified reintegration of all people who are or have been imprisoned.

Click here to see the programme and register.