
Carlos Osório de castro awarded "Best Lawyer in Capital Markets" during IRG Awards

The 2008 edition of the Investor Relations & Governance Awards distinguishes Carlos Osório de Castro with the prize for "Best Lawyer (or Team of Lawyers) in Capital Markets”. Among the nominees in this category were two partners of the firm: António Lobo Xavier e João Soares da Silva. Annually awarded by Deloitte, the Investor Relations & Governance Awards recognize firms and personalities that mark the financial and business systems of the country for best practices in investor relations. Financial analysts, banks, CEO/CFO of companies on the stock exchange market, insurance companies, brokers and market operators, pension funds/investment funds, Investor Relations Officers and institutional investors are consulted in order to choose the winners in the different cathegories. In particular for this prize, the analysis falls on the curriculum, solidity/technical knowledge, rigour, independence, experience, reputation and reference operations.