
João Pereira Reis and Rui Ribeiro Lima, co-authors of Legal Regime of Construction and Land Development - Annotated and Jurisprudence

João Pereira Reis and Rui Ribeiro Lima are the authors, together with the lawyer Margarida Loureiro, of the book published by Almedina. This work aims to contribute to the legal analysis of the different precepts of the LRUPC, adopting an essential practical approach and thinking of the major players in the sector, namely elected persons at local level, real estate promoters, project and technical teams of the Administration that are daily confronted with the challenges of the application of the law to concrete cases. The Legal Regime of Construction and Land Development - Annotated and Jurisprudence contains, besides the annotation concerning the different articles of Decree-Law nr.. 555/99 with the amendments resulting from Law nr. 60/2007, a vast collection of relevant jurisprudence related to urban planning and construction.