
Rui Patrício designated “vogal” of the Superior Council of Magistrature

Rui Patrício,  a  partner at  Morais Leitão, Galvão Teles, Soares da Silva  and head of one of the litigation and arbitration teams, was designated  “vogal” of the Superior Council of Magistrature.
Rui Patrício, one of the youngest partners at the firm, is one of the most significantly experienced lawyers in litigation in several domains, having developed in recent years the area of criminal and misdemeanour litigation for this firm. His practice also focuses on civil and commercial litigation, as well as arbitration.
His  development of the criminal litigation, misdemeanour litigation and compliance areas in the firm has been accompanied by an academic and lecturing career. Since 1994 until 2006 he taught civil and criminal law at the University of Lisbon Law School. He currently teaches at the Nova University Law School (Invited Professor).
Rui Patrício participates in seminars and conferences and lectures predominantly on criminal and misdemeanour legal themes in post-graduate courses. He often collaborates with the media on matters related to justice.