17.01.2023 Global Practice Guides • Rui Patrício, Tiago Geraldo, Teresa Sousa Nunes, Juliana Vasconcelos Senra • Chambers and Partners

Anti-Corruption 2023 - Portugal

Rui Patrício, Tiago Geraldo, Teresa Sousa Nunes e Juliana Vasconcelos Senra assinam o capítulo de Portugal do guia “Anti-Corruption 2023”, uma publicação da Chambers and Partners.

«Portugal has signed a number of conventions related to corruption and bribery, the most relevant being:

  • the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions (1997);
  • the European Union Convention on the fight against corruption involving officials of the EU or EU Member States (1997);
  • the European Union Convention on the Protection of the Financial Interests of the Communities and Protocols;
  • the Council of Europe Criminal Law Convention on Corruption (1999);
  • the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (2000); and
  • the United Nations Convention against Corruption (2003).

Since 1 January 2002, Portugal has been a member of the Council of Europe’s Group of States against Corruption (GRECO).»