
Diana Ribeiro Duarte, Pedro Capitão Barbosa e Sofia Araújo Matias falam sobre ESG

Diana Ribeiro Duarte, Pedro Capitão Barbosa e Sofia Araújo Matias assinam o artigo de opinião “ESG lays the groundwork, impact investing extends the boundaries”, publicado recentemente pelo IFLR.

Os advogados discutem as diferenças entre ESG investing e impact investing, destacando que o segundo procura ter um efeito social ou ambiental mensurável, enquanto que o ESG investing se concentra em fatores de sustentabilidade e práticas empresariais.

Estes começam por afirmar: «Although impact investing and ESG investing are frequently used synonymously and share many similarities, there are significant distinctions between the concepts. This misunderstanding has detracted attention from the value of impact investment because it unduly subsumes this investment strategy into the ESG investment framework (which is already cluttered) […]».

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