01.03.2023 Vitor Pereira das Neves, Joana Alves de Abreu, Bruna do Carmo Bernardino • Ashurst

Investing in hydrogen: a global interactive guide – Portugal

Vitor Pereira das Neves, Joana Alves de Abreu e Bruna do Carmo Bernardino são os autores do capítulo de Portugal do guia Investing in hydrogen: a global interactive guide”, uma publicação Ashurst.

“1. Is there a government hydrogen strategy or policy?
Yes, the National Hydrogen Strategy (Estratégia Nacional para o Hidrogénio or “EN-H2”) was approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers no. 63/2020, of 14 August 2020.

2. What are key goals and commitments included in the strategy/policy?
The EN-H2 is aligned with the 2050 Carbon Neutral Roadmap, approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers no. 107/2019, of 1 July, which establishes the goal to achieve a carbon neutral economy by 2050, as well as with the National Climate and Energy Plan 2030, approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers no. 53/2020, of 10 July, which constitutes the main instrument of the national energy and climate policy for the next decade towards a carbon neutral future (…)”.

Leia o capítulo aqui.